If parents and students in India experienced the world’s most prolonged lockdown of schools during the Covid-19 pandemic, the national capital’s citizens claim they experienced the longest schools’ lockdown within India. Now with Covid-19 reduced to a mere epidemic, it’s official that Delhi’s 5,500 K-12 schools which educate 4.5 million children, will restart […]
Kudos for a well-written cover story exposing the unchecked corrupt practices destroying Indian education (EW February). I agree with Dr. Seetharamu when he says that corruption in Indian education has been allowed to fester and multiply because of negligence of the Central and state governments.
The huge scams in teacher appointments in government schools and […]
Karnataka’s hijab controversy which broke out in early January when six girl students of a government pre-university college were denied entry into their classrooms for wearing hijabs (headscarves) is spreading in ever widening circles across the country, and has even drawn the attention of the Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)-based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which has […]
The union budget 2022-23 presented to Parliament and the public last month has generated considerable confusion and anxiety within the small minority of educationists and educators who look at the big picture. Although India’s education sector is emerging from the pandemic crisis of the longest lockdown of education institutions (82 weeks) worldwide, and a huge […]
With the third wave Omicron variant of the novel Coronavirus, which ill-advisedly prompted first the Central and later state governments to impose the most prolonged lockdown (82 weeks) of education institutions from pre-primaries to universities upon the children of India not proving as deadly as the previous Delta variant, schools, colleges and universities have resumed […]
Contemporarily, we are predisposed to equate busy with success. Being busy translates to arduous work, denotes importance and is directly proportional to triumphs. However, when two of the world’s most prominent and successful people, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates concluded that busy is the new stupid in their discussion, […]
Richly endowed with snowy peaks, green valleys, misty woods, azure lakes and flower-filled meadows, the tiny state of Himachal Pradesh is a traveler’s paradise Riding .....Read More