In the last eight weeks, the number of deaths in India due to COVID-19 has so far been well below the forecasts and predictions of Western experts. While the death toll continues to soar in the USA and Europe, India has achieved a remarkable feat by containing the spread of Covid-19 with […]
Overview: Vijaybhoomi University is India’s first Liberal Professional University, which uses the liberal-professional framework of education to build a unique curriculum aligned to Industry 4.0. The curriculum facilitates the process of self-discovery in the initial year and thereafter choice of majors and minors to prepare oneself in high-demand careers in data science, […]
Perhaps the ultimate goal of education is to make the world a better place. Understanding society and impacting policy, is one way to do this. The ever-changing governance and policy environment demands new imaginations, new methodologies and even revitalised ethics—and that is exactly what O.P. Jindal Global University is set to nurture.
This is a crucial moment of the corona pandemic in India and around the world, and IIHMR University has an imperative to both serve and lead. IIHMR University is closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and our top priority remains the health, safety, and well-being of our community, on and off-campus. We […]
Kolkata-based Kunal Vora is the founder-director & CEO of SHRM (Hindi for ‘hard-work’) Biotechnologies Pvt. Ltd (estb.2006), a training and skills development company which offers students — undergrads to doctorate scholars — short-term study programmes in biotechnology, pharmacy & life sciences and provides research, incubation and placement assistance. SHRM Biotech is also the sole […]
Former India basketball star Kunal Maria is founder and CEO of the Corvuss American Academy (Corvuss, estb.2018), a trail-blazing, sports-focused co-ed residential school for children in the 11-17 years age group sited in Karjat, a two-hour drive from Mumbai. It s set to provide highly professional training in seven sports — basketball, cricket, […]
Math prodigy Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash Jonnalagadda (20) is a final year B.Sc student of Delhi’s top-ranked St. Stephen’s College. He is also founder of Exploring Infinities (EI, estb.2018), a proprietary firm promoted to boost children’s cognitive development and popularise speed mental arithmetics and games through workshops and year-long courses in schools.
Copenhagen-born Allan Kjaer Andersen is the Bangalore-based director of the new age K-12 Chaman Bhartiya School (CBS) — the first education initiative of the Gurgaon-based real estate heavyweight Bhartiya Group
(annual revenue: Rs.1,300 crore). Construction of two of the three integrated complexes of the state-of- the-art Bhartiya City sited on a 125-acre estate in suburban […]
It’s official resurgent British Raj at The Doon School (TDS estb.1935), routinely ranked India’s #1 boys boarding school in the annual EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISR), is over. After two expat Britons of no special distinction were successively appointed headmasters of this vintage boys boarding school promoted in pre-independence India by Calcutta […]
$2 trillion (Rs.151 lakh crore). That’s the sum that the much-maligned (and not without cause) President Donald Trump has budgeted to compensate ruined small businesses and citizens rendered unemployed in America following the national economic lockdown in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis. This staggering figure is equivalent to two-thirds of India’s […]
Universities at the Crossroads; Andre Beteille Oxford University Press; Rs.423; Pages 216
Currently chancellor of North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, and formerly professor of sociology at the Delhi School of Economics, Belgium-born, naturalised Indian Dr. Andre Beteille is a prolific writer who has addressed questions of inequality, power, social class, family, the disciplines […]
Talking to Strangers – Malcolm Gladwell Allen Lane; Rs.799; Pages 386
How are the world’s greatest liars, frauds and megalomaniacs able to inflict lasting damage upon their societies and the world without highly trained and intelligent experts and watchdogs being able to see through them and stop them in time? That’s the subject of the latest investigation […]
Iconoclastic Republic TV anchor Arnab Goswami is the man every well-mannered or aspirationally genteel middle class individual, deplores. But the meteoric rise in the viewership of this relatively new (2017) English news channel tells another story.
Ab initio Arnab Goswami transformed Republic TV’s 9 0’clock news hour into a nightly slugfest in which […]
India’s education system and higher education institutions in particular, have suffered a severe setback because of the national lockdown declared from March 25 following the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus aka Covid-19 pandemic. With prospects of a reversion to the status quo ante uncertain in the near future, universities and higher education institutions worldwide are […]
Boosted by multiple forces the higher education landscape is transforming rapidly with a major shift towards online education. For over a decade we have been hearing that the online learners’ community has matured and acceptance of online learning is growing in leaps and bounds. Over the past two months the national lockdown, which has forced […]
Udaipur-based recycled waste proponent Nidhi Kalal (17) could well revolutionise road construction countrywide with her innovative solution. Nidhi is a class XII student of Udaipur’s CBSE and Cambridge International (UK)-affiliated Heritage Girls School (HGS) — ranked among the country’s Top 10 girls boarding schools in the latest EW India School Rankings 2019-20.
Challenging the coronavirus outbreak which has taken over 210,000 lives worldwide, a team of engineering undergrad students — Prabin Kumar Das, Vaishnavi Gupta and Vinay Kumar of the Jalandhar-based Lovely Professional University (LPU, estb.2005) — has developed a smart dustbin christened Ally, for use in hospitals and medical centres.
“I don’t want people to say ‘Oh, environmentalists are celebrating this lockdown.’ We are not. This is not the solution. But whatever the new normal is post-Covid-19, we have to make sure we take this breath of fresh air and think about the serious efforts we need to deal with pollution in Delhi.”
Private unaided aka independent, schools across Maharashtra are up in arms against a directive of the state’s Shiv Sena-led tri-party Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government to waive school fees for the first quarter of the academic year 2020-21, because of the loss of income of the parents community following the nationwide lockdown of industry and […]
Although India’s top-ranked private B-schools can’t be blamed entirely given the tight policy framework within which they ave had to operate, the country has paid a heavy price for poor quality business management education – Dilip Thakore
If one takes post-independence India’s unimpressive national development record — for over 40 years until India’s notorious neta-babu controlled licence-permit-quota […]
Widespread protests by school managements and an online petition demanding public support for private school
teachers which attracted over 26,700 signatures, has compelled the state government to amend a March 30 circular of the department of public instruction (DPI) to private schools to desist from collecting pupils’ tuition fees “until further orders”. Under a second DPI circular […]
With the Covid-19 pandemic and national lockdown forcing the mass closure of education institutions, several state governments have issued circulars directing private school managements not to collect tuition fees during the lockdown period. These circulars have jeopardized the financial stability of the country’s 375,000 private independent (unaided) K-12 schools, especially the estimated 400,000 budget private […]
In March, West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee was riding a wave of popularity for her deft management of the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the country, which has provoked a national lockdown of business and leisure activity from March 25 to May 16. On April 28, West Bengal reported a mere 649 Covid positive cases, 105 […]
The rapid countrywide spread of the Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent national lockdown of all education institutions from Kg-Ph D has disrupted the academic year 2019-20 which was drawing to a close for 1.5 million schools (including CBSE, CISCE) Final assessments as well as various entrance examinations conducted by the NTA (National Testing Agency) have been postponed. […]
The enormity of the corona pandemic crisis demands that we rise above current stereotypes and perceptions. This transformation has to occur in two forms. We have to acknowledge that the Corona crisis has unearthed much deeper and fundamental problems. The first is a crisis of imagination and cerebration. The stereotypes used to evaluate the crisis […]
Bhubaneswar, April 3. In collaboration with the UN Children’s Emergency Fund, the Odisha government has launched an online mo protiva (‘my talent’) competition for children in the 5-18 years age group to keep them engaged at home during the emergency Covid-19 nationwide lockdown.
Children’s entries under separate age categories are invited in painting, slogans writing, short […]
Rohit Bhat, CEO, Children’s Academy Group of Schools
With three campuses in Mumbai’s northern suburbs of Kandivali and Malad, the Children’s Academy Group of Schools (CAGS, estb.1970) is in the vanguard of the digital technologies-driven education revolution. The group led by CEO Rohit Bhat is providing engaging and personalised online learning to 8,500 […]
With an estimated 32 percent of the country’s students in higher education enrolled in government universities, the annual EW India Higher Education Rankings 2020-21 has introduced separate league tables rating the country’s 150 most reputed government universities – Summiya Yasmeen
Although since the dawn of the new millennium when several state governments began liberally legislating promotion […]
The silver lining of the Covid-19 crisis and the susbequent lockdown of all education institutions from KG to Ph D is that it has stimulated innovative ICT solutions to ensure continuity of teaching-learning. Here’s how several randomly selected institutional managements are responding to the Covid-19 challenge.
Congratulations for your pioneer initiative of ranking the country’s autonomous and non autonomous colleges separately (EW April). As you rightly argue, autonomous colleges are a class apart and need to be ranked separately.
Nevertheless, I’m baffled that some of India’s routinely top-ranked colleges sited in the national capital — St. Stephen’s, Miranda, Sri […]
Ab initio, your editors have accorded special importance to private institutions of higher learning. We believe private universities with investment and reputations to lose, are more likely to provide rigorous, globally benchmarked academic, research and life skills education
In recent years privately promoted universities, particularly new genre, globally benchmarked liberal arts and sciences undergrad colleges modelled […]
Against the backdrop of none of India’s 935 universities ranked among the Top 200 of the authoritative Times Higher Education World University Rankings, we present league tables ranking the country’s best private and government universities separately – Dilip Thakore
Notwithstanding incrementally futile protests and grumbling of left leaning academics busily engaged in dispensing obsolete pedagogies and fixed […]
A grave injustice to which the intelligentsia and great Indian middle class are helpless spectators, if not complicit, is spreading across the country in the wake of the novel Coronavirus, aka Covid-19 pandemic. The impact on the livelihoods of an estimated 100 million migrant labour citizens has been the harshest ever since the stringent nationwide […]
As far back as I can remember, India’s higher education sector has been a big disappointment. The quality of human resource finished by the country’s institutions of higher education is woeful. This is especially true of liberal arts and humanities graduates certified by the great majority of India’s 935 universities. It would not be inaccurate […]
The emergence of peninsular Mumbai — the finance and commerce capital of India — as the most afflicted hotspot of the Covid-19 pandemic is the outcome of decades of civic planning neglect and unchecked avarice. Mumbai’s condition is indeed precarious. Of the total number of 81,970 reported Covid-19 positive cases countrywide, it has reported 16,579, […]
The University of Madras has cancelled a lecture titled “How to Spread Christianity in India”, scheduled for March 14, following protests from the ABVP, Hindu .....Read More
The BJP on Monday slammed the Punjab government, accusing it of political influence in education after a Class 12 Political Science exam allegedly included questions .....Read More
Society needs moral repair & healing
The enormity of the corona pandemic crisis demands that we rise above current stereotypes and perceptions. This transformation has to occur in two forms. We have to acknowledge that the Corona crisis has unearthed much deeper and fundamental problems. The first is a crisis of imagination and cerebration. The stereotypes used to evaluate the crisis […]