EducationWorld initiatives for human developmentAgainst the backdrop that contemporary India hosts the largest population of adult illiterate citizens of any nation state worldwide and that an estimated 60 million children in the age group six-14 years of age are out of school, in November 1999 EducationWorld ‚ The Human Development Magazine ‚ the first periodical […]
Looks like it’s only a matter of time before the Indian media like its American counterpart, will become a popular hate object. At a critical time in the nation’s history when the rich-poor gap has widened to the point of explosion and chronically short-changed farmers are committing suicide by the thousands, media celebration of conspicuous […]
India Untouched — The forgotten face of rural poverty by Abraham M. George; EastWest Books; Price: Rs.295; 400 pp
People of Indian origin settled abroad or NRIs (non-resident Indians) as they are popularly described, writing about India or their experiences of India, render the country of their origin a great service. First the very fact that they buckle […]
Despite the communal riots of 2002 which cast a long shadow over Gujarat, its kinder and gentler image endures. The state attracts over a million domestic and foreign tourists annually
Since the turn of the new century the western India state of Gujarat (pop. 60.4 million) has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. […]
The surprise election of a sizeable number of young candidates — most of them educated in blue-chip universities — to the 14th Lok Sabha has generated hope that a powerful pressure group for the radical reform of India’s moribund education system is in the making. The good news is that they want education to be […]
Importance of adventure learning Sudheendra SavanurIn my previous contributions to this page, I had discussed how to apply expeditionary learning all day long. In this contribution I propose to demo how adventure experiences can help schools to enhance student achievement while creating safe and caring environments.Adventure is a philosophy ‚ a set of values rather […]
Last month I was in Delhi checking out some of the newer retail outlets where my line of earth-friendly products will soon be available. Because the manager was taking me to all his retail points in Gurgaon, an extension of Delhi I was visiting for the first time, I was being politically correct by making a purchase in […]
College corridors are buzzing with students this autumn as universities finally get the new academic year underway. British academia seems to be bursting at the seams as students fill every lecture hall, classroom, cafeteria and university bar in the scramble to be educated and entertained, fed and housed. Space is […]
All children need equal opportunityShukla Bose”Art for art‚s sake” and “education for life and not a living” are lofty pronouncements that most of us have heard as we grew up. But sadly, we represent only 20 percent of the population of this potentially great nation. For the rest of the population, education is just a […]
In response to the large and growing number of Indian students applying for admission annually (1,250 in 2003-04), the Queensland (Australia)-based Griffith University (estb. 1970) is planning to establish a state-of-the-art campus in India in the next three-five years. Currently the university operates from five campuses (Gold Coast, Logan, Mt. Gravatt, Nathan and South Bank) in […]
Your Counsellor RepliesI‚ve completed my B.Com and am currently studying for the CA (chartered accountancy) exam. I also want to pursue some other study programmes (CS, M.Com, etc). Which qualification when combined with CA certification will give me an edge in the job market?Shekhar Rao, BangaloreIf you want to qualify as a chartered accountant, your […]
After the economic liberalisation and deregulation initiative of 1991, there has been an explosion of activity in the real estate sector prompting highly qualified professionals to enter this business
With cities expanding and cheap home loans to be had for the asking, lifestyle changes and multinationals setting up shop across the country, there has been a sudden […]
Hierarchy of teaching professionalsDilip P Patel”Thank you, teacher, you changed my life.” How many of you would like to hear these words from your students some day in your lifetime? I posed this question to a hall full of teachers in Hyderabad. Almost every hand went up.”And what would prompt your student to give such […]
Differentiated teaching basicsVasanthi VasudevThere‚s an ancient saw which says that if you have to sing to the cow to milk it, do it; if you have to dance to coax the cow, just do it. Sama dhana bedha dandam ‚ a famous Sanskrit adage, reiterates this wisdom: do whatever it takes to achieve important objectives.This […]
To meaningfully celebrate the 5th Anniversary of EducationWorld, we deemed it incumbent upon ourselves to ask several educationists and industry leaders with proven commitment to improving the education system to write prescriptions for a renaissance of Indian education. Dilip Thakore reports
It’s a rising irreversible tide. though not a few within the political class and the nation’s powerful bureaucracy are in denial, […]
From reservations to affirmative actionRajiv DesaiAt a recent meeting with prime minister Manmohan Singh, I expressed concern about the Congress Party‚s proposal to introduce reservations in the private sector. I told him that it was a retrograde step. His response surprised me. Given the increasing role of the private sector in the economy, he said […]
For propagating European culture through ballroom dancing, he has received letters of appreciation from Queen Elizabeth II and Charles, Prince of Wales. Meet Mumbai-based twenty-something Sandip Soparrkar, teacher extraordinaire of ballroom dancing and promoter-proprietor of the Sandip Soparrkar Ballroom Studio, the only one of its type in India.
A commerce, hotel management and business management graduate of Symbiosis […]
With effect from October 2 the Centre for Civil Society, New Delhi has launched a National Education Choice Campaign which promotes reforms to deliver quality education for all. Radical new thinking is necessary to save one more generation of the nation’s children from being lost to the failing education system. The campaign invites participation to broaden the dialogue […]
Established in 1887 and situated in Oz’s second largest city, this university attracts 8,700 international students and offers 450 professional and job-oriented academic programmes
Situated in the heart of Australia’s second largest city, Melbourne, RMIT University enjoys a formidable reputation in Oz and across the world for excellence in vocational and technical education, as well as research […]
The passion and dedication which the teachers of Kolkata’s showpiece school display for mainstreaming challenged children is in conformity with a growing global movement for inclusive education
Established as recently as 1998 under the aegis of the Rajpal Khullar Memorial Trust to provide quality education to all children, with a special mission to mainstream challenged students, Kolkata’s […]
Dr. Ramdas M. Pai, president of the Manipal Aacademy of Higher Education (MAHE) has been awarded the prestigious honorary fellowship of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners of the Royal College of Surgeons, UK. The award is in recognition of Dr. Pai’s contribution towards education in health services. Ian Pocock, registrar FGDP UK, presented the […]
They said it in October”The kind of corruption the ordinary person faces in India is something that is not even recognised in the developed countries.”R.H. Tahiliani, chairman of Transparency International India”You can‚t have both a big paycheck and reasonable hours. The laws of economics won‚t allow it.” Keith Hammonds, deputy editor of Fast Company, Denmark”Hitler […]
In a historic, first ever national survey of its kind conducted by the Union ministry of human resource development (HRD) among the country’s public (or privately-funded) schools, some shocking facts have come to light. Foremost among them is the verdict that while India’s independent schools pass muster in imparting quality education, they are […]
Congratulations on your cover story ‘Dirty dozen corrupt practices destroying Indian education’ (EW October). I believe this is the first time any publication has taken pains to list the corrupt practices ruining Indian education. Well done!
However you have failed to elaborate on a corrupt practice which is rampant within the teachers community and is squarely responsible […]
Prime minister Manmohan Singh’s somewhat contradictory assertion made in Mumbai on October 6, to the effect that the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) government is committed to job reservations in private sector industry for scheduled castes and tribes and his subsequent clarification that job quotas will be “voluntary”, reflects the national confusion on the issue of […]
I’m sure most readers of this letter will agree that five years of uninterrupted publication — indeed survival — of a new genre periodical such as EducationWorld is a noteworthy achievement. That’s the milestone we cross with publication of this Special Anniversary Issue of India’s first education newsmagazine.
Inevitably this is a time of thanksgiving. And it needs to […]
Social value of liberal arts educationShiva KumarAt a recent meeting of education experts in New Delhi I was surprised to learn that only half the applicants for a school teacher‚s job correctly answered the question: “24×0 =?” Those who got it wrong advanced three reasons in their defence. One, they had stopped learning mathematics in […]
Researchers at IIT Madras have developed a framework to enhance the protection of critical infrastructure in India against ballistic missile threats. This framework aids in .....Read More
Teach For India, a Mumbai headquartered non-profit organisation, has announced the final deadline for its 2025 Fellowship. Aspiring fellows can apply before March 9, 2025. .....Read More