For the first time, budget private schools which have mushroomed countrywide as a response to dysfunctional government schools, are rated and ranked in EWISR 2015
One of the greatest injustices that post-independence India’s thoroughly discredited neta-babu network has visited upon India’s estimated 200 million bottom-of-the-pyramid households is denial of the right to quality early childhood and […]
EWISR 2015 offers a surprise in the government day schools league table. The previously unranked Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pattom has made a spectacular debut to be ranked #1 this year
Twenty-first century india’s 1.20 million government-funded schools are sui generis (unique/class of their own) because they are almost completely divorced from the country’s 60 million middle-class households. […]
In the glamour category of EWISR 2015, Woodstock School, Mussoorie, last top-ranked in 2011, has staged a comeback. Moreover, Good Shepherd International, Ooty has risen spectacularly in the public esteem to be jointly ranked second with Kodaikanal International School.
The two-year reign of Kodaikanal International School (KIS) as India’s premier wholly residential international school is […]
Ranked India’s premier international day-cum-boarding school for the fourth year in succession, the Indus International School, Bangalore seems to have consolidated its apex position in this category.
In the latest EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISR) 2015, the state-of-the-art Indus International School, Bangalore (IIS-B, estb. 2003) has been voted India’s #1 international day-cum-boarding school by a huge […]
For the third year in a row, Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Mumbai has swept the board across almost all parameters to be ranked the country’s #1 international day school
To all intents and purposes, the Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Mumbai (DAIS) seems to have consolidated its position at the very top of the EW national league […]
Since 2013, the national girls’ legacy boarding schools league table has been dominated by Welham Girls and Mayo College Girls. But in EWISR 2015 this duopoly has been broken.
Although single sex schools are going out of fashion around the world, in India endowed with a multiplicity of religious, caste and cultural minorities, they continue […]
Following several brand projection initiatives The Doon School, Dehradun has risen in the public esteem and stormed back to be ranked #1 on 12 of the 14 parameters of school education excellence.
Perhaps stung by its dethronement from its usual position as India’s #1 all-boys legacy boarding school last year, the leadership and management of The […]
The media shy Rishi Valley School, Madanapalle which had been ranked the country™s #1 co-ed boarding school for four of the past five years has regained its #1 rank
Within India™s legacy boarding schools sector, co-ed primary-secondaries substantially outnumber single sex institutions, undoubtedly a sign of progress towards gender egalitarianism. In this highly competitive segment, […]
To compile the league tables of all day schools ” co-ed, boys, girls and day-cum-boarding ” 11,660 respondents comprising parents, principals, teachers and senior students rated them on 14 parameters or attributes. On the reasoning that there is more to education than academic or scholastic excellence (on which conventional league tables published abroad are based), […]
The 11,660 sample respondents countrywide interviewed by C fore have once again voted Campion School, Mumbai India™s #1 all-boys day school followed by St. Xavier™s Collegiate, Kolkata, and St. John™s High, Chandigarh
The top 5 order in the EW India Boys Day Schools Rankings 2015 is a mirror image of last year™s national league table. The […]
For the second year consecutively, the girls day schools national league table is topped by two vintage Kolkata-based schools ” La Martiniere for Girls and Loreto House, Middleton.
Even though an overwhelming majority of greenfield K-12 schools being promoted in the new millennium are co-educational institutions, the country™s established all-girls day schools haven™t quite lost their […]
With The Valley School, Bangalore having been moved to the day schools category, there™s been a rearrangement at the Top 5 table with Daly College, Indore retaining its #1 ranking
Co-ed day-cum boarding schools, i.e, day schools which also host a substantial number of boys and girls as boarders, constitute a special category in the annual […]
Since the start of the new millennium, I have been regularly visiting India™s higher education institutes including Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). A striking feature of these institutes is their poor track record in generating new knowledge which requires path-breaking research. Many of the senior faculty with whom I […]
For the third consecutive year, Cargill India Pvt. Ltd. ” a subsidiary of the US-based food, agriculture and agri-industry megacorp Cargill Inc (annual revenue $120 billion or Rs.794,105 crore) ” and the Institute of International Education (IIE) are set to roll out their Global Scholars Program (GSP) œto build a foundation for future potential leaders […]
“The growth of private schools is a manifestation of the healthiest of instincts: parents™ desire to do the best for their children. Governments that are too disorganised or corrupt to foster this trend should get out of the way. – The Economist on the boom in low-cost private schools (August 1)
œAn Outlook investigation reveals that after pumping […]
For the past two months, the Coimbatore-based Avinashilingam University (AU, estb.1957), a multi-disciplinary varsity awarded an A grade by NAAC with 4,720 women students and 214 faculty on its muster rolls, has been rocked by sustained protests and agitations which have completely disrupted academic discourse on its 15 acre city and 100 acre campuses in […]
It™s a decision which in the unlikely event of its being implemented, will revolutionise primary-secondary education countrywide. On August 18, the Allahabad high court directed that the children of all state government employees including judges, local government officials and people™s representatives, be compulsorily enroled in government schools. According to a single judge bench of the […]
After a prolonged delay of three years, last month (August) the Maharashtra state government paid the first instalment of tuition fee reimbursements due to private unaided schools which admitted children from poor households in their neighbourhoods, as prescribed by s.12 (1) (c) of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009.
Your cover story ˜IIMs: Hostile takeover bid 2.0™ (EW August) exposes the real intentions of the BJP government. Through the proposed IIM Bill 2015, the Union HRD ministry wants to rigidly control the country™s 13 IIMs. This is a regressive step and will result in the institutes being governed by non-academic bureaucrats […]
Ever since this sui generis publication™s first league tables were published in August 2007, the annual EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISR) survey, which rates and ranks the country™s best known primary-secondary schools across 14 parameters of education excellence, has incrementally captured the imagination of parents, teachers, principals and other stakeholders in K-12 education. That™s because […]
In the inaugural standalone national league table of India’s best special needs schools 2015, Tamana Autism Centre, Delhi is ranked #1 with top ratings on five of the ten parameters
An estimated 2.5 percent of India’s 480 million children aged below 18 years suffer from physical disabilities, mental retardation and varying degrees of learning difficulties. Yet, […]
Quite logically, the overwhelming majority of institutions rated and ranked in the annual EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISR) are day schools because the great majority of the country’s children for various reasons, particularly affordability, are enroled in day rather than residential schools. Therefore of India’s 1,000 most well-reputed primary-secondary schools grouped in 14 different categories” […]
Almost all state governments ” except Karnataka ” are in favour of repealing s.16 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, which mandates automatic promotion of all children enroled in classes I-VIII. This was confirmed by a statement issued by the newly reconstituted Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), […]
A destructive madness seems to have seized members of both houses of Parliament elected at great expense by the people, to represent the popular will in the framing and enactment of laws by which the country is governed. Despite urgent legislation relating to the acquisition and compensation of land for industrial and urban expansion, and […]
Over the past four months 120 C fore field personnel interviewed 11,660 parents, principals, teachers and senior school students in 27 cities countrywide and persuaded them to rate schools in their region on a ten-point scale across 14 parameters of education excellence. Dilip Thakore & Summiya Yasmeen report
Regular readers of EducationWorld might have noticed that only one of the directors of the country™s 13 IIMs deigned to speak with your editors for last month™s cover story which exposed the second hostile attempt made within a decade by a BJP government at the Centre to acquire control of the country™s premier B-schools, one […]
Flood of Fire by Amitav Ghosh; Penguin Books; Price: Rs.799; Pages: 616
Richly evocative of trade and empire, cross cultural societies and political intrigues, emotional encounters and sexual escapades, Amitav Ghosh™s voluminous last instalment of the Ibis trilogy, Flood of Fire, is a gripping read. Complexities of China™s First Opium War (1839-42) provide a rich […]
It has been more than 25 years since ICT (information communication technologies) debuted in primary-secondary education. Computers were venerated and computer labs were hallowed precincts that strictly followed the no footwear rule. For many years, computers were used only for teaching programming-related concepts, detached from mainstream teaching-learning processes.
Fast forward to contemporary ” especially top-ranked private […]
The University of Madras has cancelled a lecture titled “How to Spread Christianity in India”, scheduled for March 14, following protests from the ABVP, Hindu .....Read More
The BJP on Monday slammed the Punjab government, accusing it of political influence in education after a Class 12 Political Science exam allegedly included questions .....Read More