Kamlesh Patel is the fourth spiritual guide in the Sahaj Marg system of Raja Yoga meditation. Known to many as Daaji, he is the Heartfulness Guide who is bringing the essence of yogic spiritual practices to the modern world in a scientific way, in order to help people regulate their minds, manage their emotions, and elevate their consciousness to […]
“Education is the movement from darkness to light……Tamsoma Jyotirgamaya.”
The management and staff at NLDHS take pride in providing an exciting atmosphere for learning at the preprimary level. We believe each child is capable of experiencing the highest possible level of success. This is possible through the dedication and commitment of the faculty, parents and students […]
A birthday is an occasion that provides ample opportunities for parents to show the birthday girl/boy how valuable they are. And home is the best place to start.
Here are some good ideas for making the birthday person feel like royalty.
Make it an all-day celebration. Start with breakfast. Let her choose the day’s menu starting […]
It’s someone’s birthday every day of the year, even if yours comes only once annually.
It’s fun to be involved in all birthdays, one way or the other. You might be roped in to plan a birthday party, or you might want to figure out the perfect birthday gift for your best friend.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas! by Dr. Seuss Price: Rs.255 Published by Penguin-Randomhouse
One of the most popular books of Dr. Theodor Seuss (1904-1991), the iconic American children’s author, it begins in classic Dr. Seuss style — “Every Who down in Who-Ville liked Christmas a lot…” — and keeps readers engaged with fast action and interesting characters. […]
PW invited parents of Navrachana & Vidyani Pre-Primary, Vadodara to share their perceptions of their children’s progress at the end of the academic year.
“We believe my seven-year-old daughter Annika (class I) is receiving well-balanced academic and co-curricular education, which is playing a critical role in shaping her personality and giving her ample scope […]
With its clean sandy beaches, tropical terrain and well-developed culture, Indonesia is ideal for rejuvenating holidays. What it lacks in terms of economic progress, it compensates with exotic locales, mild climate and cultural affinity with Indian visitors.
With the decline of service culture and sky-high hotel room prices in the West, the clean, neat and infrastructurally […]
Red herrings are most commonly used in mystery fiction by writers to lead readers down the garden path – Roopa Banerjee
A red herring is a literary device used to mislead or distract readers/listeners from the main narrative, to prompt false conclusions. It may be used intentionally, as in mystery fiction or rhetorical strategy (e.g, in politics) […]
If your child discovers the joy of words early, you’ll see her develop into an effective and powerful communicator. While one can improve vocabulary at any age, child development specialists believe children learn new words with twice the speed of adults. Here are some ideas to make the words learning process simpler.
Every family has its own favourite foods and preferences. In the everyday battle to serve three appetising meals, the nutrient value of foods is often forgotten. Ditto striking a balance between vegetables, fruits and meat. For instance a family that frequently eats chicken, may fail to include leafy vegetables in its daily diet. Or a […]
India’s post-liberalisation state-of-the-art hospitals, well-qualified doctors and low medical costs are attracting a rising number of patients from developed countries with ageing populations.
India’s post-liberalisation state-of-the-art hospitals, well-qualified doctors and low medical costs are attracting a rising number of patients from developed countries with ageing populations.
With costs of medical care particularly surgical procedures, having soared beyond […]
Homemade Christmas decorations have a unique beauty and charm. Get the family together and make these enchanting decorations to celebrate the season of love, joy and peace.
A reindeer in my flower pot
Terracotta pot
Pom pom
Foam board
White and black scrapbook paper
I have heard that it’s unhealthy to pack hot food in plastic containers as the heat and plastic combine to release toxic compounds. My daughter is in upper kindergarten. Can I pack a dry/cold lunch for her in a high-quality plastic tiffin box? She finds it difficult to open steel tiffin boxes and cannot manage […]
My son (11) has always been a slow learner. All his development stage markers have been delayed. He has considerable difficulty in putting down his thoughts on paper to write essays. Because of extreme stress, of late he has started throwing violent tantrums when writing. He tears up the paper and starts throwing things. I […]
Most parents are unaware that children are also citizens whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution of India, national and international legislation. It’s the duty of every parent to respect the rights of children and protect them from exploitation, abuse and discrimination, starting from home.
In the majority of Indian households where disciplinarian parenting is the […]
“My daughter has a cupboard full of toys, but doesn’t value them at all!” laments Preetha Rajan, the mother of a seven-year-old. Preetha herself grew up with two or three toys, with a new one added every birthday.
Today, privileged children grow up with full baskets of toys from day one, and it’s hard to get […]
Inevitably, although all citizens suffer the ill-effects of poisonous air cover over urban India, the most vulnerable are children. According to a damning State of India’s Environment Report, released earlier this year by the highly-reputed Centre for Science and Environment, Delhi, air pollution kills more than 100,000 children aged below five every year – Mini P, […]
Adolescents who spend long hours on social media, the television and computer are likely to experience high anxiety, says a study published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (November 2019). According to lead author Elroy Boers of the University of Montreal, Canada “computer usage for leisure is uniquely associated with increased anxiety, compared to routine […]
Children and adolescents with abnormal heart rhythms aka cardiac arrhythmias are more likely to experience depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), says a study presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions held in Philadelphia, USA in November. The study found that children with abnormal heart rhythms are nine times more likely to […]
Researchers of the University of Melbourne and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI), Australia, have found that severe pneumonia decreases by 35 percent in children vaccinated against pneumonia-causing bacteria. The study presented at the 11th World Congress of the World Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases held in Manila last month found one in […]
Only children are at a higher risk of obesity than children with siblings, reveals a study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (November). According to the study conducted by the University of Oklahoma (USA), families with multiple children tend to make better eating decisions than single-child families.
I was an active debater through my school and college years and I’m also trying to get my children interested in debating. The cover story ‘Empowering children with debate skills’ (PW November) was very relevant and interesting. Encouraging children to debate from young age helps them develop into articulate communicators and decision-makers.
The authoritative Oxford English Dictionary (OED, estb.1884) has proclaimed ‘climate emergency’ as the 2019 word of the year. It defines climate emergency as “a situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid potentially irreversible environmental damage resulting from it”. Subsequently, on November 29, European Union (EU) became the […]
As many as 7,930 state-run schools in Jharkhand are functioning with a single teacher each, education minister Ramdas Soren said on Tuesday. In a written .....Read More
The question papers of Karnataka’s state-level SSLC preparatory exam have allegedly been leaked online, and schools are claiming that the question paper was made available .....Read More