With over 24 diverse committees, Diplomathon Global World Edition, the most diverse international platform by Diplomathon Global yet on global perspective and communication amongst middle school & high school students (Grades 6 to 12) concluded on 6th September held online. Participants from across 9 different countries attended the session and were part of different committees […]
– Dr. Amee Daxini is a dermatologist at Think Skin Clinic, Bengaluru
My 14-year old daughter’s hair has been falling ever since we moved from Chennai to Bengaluru. The apartment complex we live in supplies only hard water to the bathrooms. I have tried different hair fall treatment shampoos but it hasn’t helped. Her hair is […]
Do a bit of unscrambling of alphabets to figure out the answers in this puzzle. “He’s small, mechanical and loves collecting old things. All alone, he collected waste till the day he met the machine of his dreams and fell in love.” To find out who we are talking about, first unscramble the names of […]
How about a brimming cup of popcorn to go with your movie? Sounds just good? Grab a pack of the buttered corn and pop it in a microwave oven. When the corn’s popping, get your ‘cornucopia’ out to fill. Here’s how you can make a popcorn holder.
You may remember watching wide-eyed as cowboy Woody and space-ranger Buzz Lightyear fell into the hands of toy-hating Sid Phillips in Toy Story. Or maybe many of you were super-excited when Marlin reunited with his son in Finding Nemo. Animation movies have a long history going back to the 1890s!
I still remember shedding a few tears for the dyslexic hero of the movie Taare Zameen Par and rocking with laughter on my bean bag while watching Baby’s Day Out. Whether it’s animated cinema, children’s classics, or humour, a good movie can linger in the memory for years. I’m sure all of you have […]
(Sue Atkins is a UK-based internationally recognised parenting expert, broadcaster, speaker and author of Parenting Made Easy — How to Raise Happy Children (2012))
I gave birth to a baby boy six months ago and since then my elder child who is ten years old, has been behaving strangely. She has begun to throw tantrums, won’t […]
As a consequence of global warming and melting polar ice caps, maritime archaeology has emerged as a highly specialised vocation – Paromita Sengupta
With rising awareness of the importance of preserving and protecting coastal cities and towns, which could well be overwhelmed by rising sea levels due to the impact of global warming and melting polar […]
Working out at home without supervision and proper equipment has its perils. And one of the most common complaints of people of all age groups exercising at home is knee pain – Monojit Ghosh
– Monojit Ghosh is a former national level gymnast and fitness trainer/coach at Art Corner Gymnastics, Bengaluru
Heat oven to 150°C.
Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl.
Add condensed milk, and beat well. Now add oats and apricots, and mix well. Finally, add the flour and mix well.
Bring the dough together into one big […]
Grind almonds roughly.
Add flour, sugar, and a pinch of salt to the almonds and grind for another 20-30 seconds.
Add butter and grind again. Tip the dough out onto a work surface and […]
Once the seat of the famous Vijayanagar kingdom, this state offers a balance of natural attractions (forests and wildlife) and architectural splendour
The southern state of Karnataka (pop.64 million), once the seat of the famous Vijayanagar kingdom, is a composite tourism destination which offers temples, wildlife, trekking, health spas and unspoilt beaches — an excellent, even […]
Antanaclasis is a figure of speech wherein the same word is used in two contrasting meanings in one sentence – Roopa Banerjee
Philosopher-politician and one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) famously said: “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” This statement is striking […]
PW invited parents of KC Public School, Jammu, to share insights on new skills they are encouraging their children to acquire during these unprecedented stay-at-home times
“Life has not been the same since March this year and may not be for some years to come. It has been dreary for our children — Amodhini (18) and Aditya […]
(James M. Lang is professor of English and director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, Assumption College, Massachusetts, USA)
Millions of working parents have spent months trapped in their homes with their children. Many are trying to do their jobs remotely in the constant presence of their kids, and they are desperate for some peace and […]
(Dr. Ketan Bharadva is a Surat (Gujarat)-based consultant pediatrician and President, Infant & Young Child Feeding Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, and President, Human Milk Banking Association)
There is much debate within the medical fraternity about the impact of the Covid-19 virus on the health and well-being of infected new mothers and possibilities of transmission […]
From interactive museums to books and online courses, there is a world of sound and music waiting for children to explore. Mini P. shortlists four excellent music learning resources for children to get started
With pandemic-related anxiety having become pervasive, people of all ages are developing diverse coping strategies to beat prolonged stay-athome blues. In this specially curated cover story, the PW editorial team presents enjoyable DIY activity options for children and parents – Archana N, Mini P & Cynthia John
Children displaying social anxiety symptoms may be at a higher risk of suffering depression in the future, warn researchers of Binghamton University, USA, in a study published in the Journal of Adolescence (September).
Study co-author Holly Kobezak says the study takes off from previous research which indicated that children with social anxiety symptoms are at high […]
Prolonged confinement at home because of the Covid-19 pandemic has prompted behavioural changes in many children, indicates a recent survey conducted by S.P. Robotic Works, a Chennai-based edtech company. The survey conducted with 3,600 sample parents and an equal number of children in the age group of 7-17 years in major Indian cities found that […]
Early identification and treatment of Covid-19-related health anxiety is vital to avoiding long-term mental health problems in children and young adults, reveals a study published in Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy (September). Researchers at the University of Bath (UK) say that health anxieties can be triggered by lifestyle changes like returning to school. They say that […]
Deficiency of vitamin D increases the likelihood of being infected with the Covid-19 virus, say researchers at the University of Chicago Medicine. The research team evaluated 489 UChicago Medicine patients whose vitamin D levels were measured within a year before being tested for Covid-19. Patients with untreated vitamin D deficiency were almost twice as likely […]
I read your cover story on how lockdown anger is disrupting family harmony (PW August). I agree with you that parents must develop coping strategies to manage lockdown anger and create happy and conducive environments for children. However, in your advice on anger management, you have missed including the importance of parents developing resilience — […]
The prime objective of British historian-educationist Thomas Babington Macaulay aka Lord Macaulay’s famous Minute on Indian Education (1835) was to produce note-taking clerks for perpetuation of British raj over India. In this document, which initiated the process of wiping out traditional Indian education that included vocational education and training (VET), Lord Macaulay famously asserted, “all […]
From Prime Minister Modi downward, India’s entire political class and the establishment keep proclaiming from the rooftops that the 21st century is India’s, and attaining .....Read More