Jobs in Education System

As a matter of fact, the students in India are extremely talented when compared to students from other parts of the world. But still, it can be seen from various official figures and informal analysis of students from all over the world that the students in India are lagging behind. The main reason behind this is not a lack of talent, but lack of resources.

Indian students lack the basic resources, which are required to enhance the studying experience of any student. These basic resources are being provided at no cost by the governments in many other countries. This contribution on the part of the governments of these countries have resulted in higher literacy rates and excellent. It is a sad state of affair that in spite of having such talent, Indian students are unable to fulfil their dreams because they do not have any resource by which they can climb the ladder of success.

For this, it can be said very safely that governments over the years have left the student’s section of the society neglected. This is because if this was not the case, then India has the potential to become the world superpower in the field of education and teaching. But sadly, we are still several years behind some other countries, which had even not gain independence when India was at its prime. 

The fault lies at the planning level itself. Indian government did not plan educational policies. Well, when it was required the most, our governments and politicians were busy in politics and did not take concrete steps in developing educational institutions. Another aspect in which India is lacking today is health. Many countries across the world are flourishing today and their economies are at record-high because they had invested heavily in education and health even when their economies were in shambles. 

Scholarships schemes

But when we look at the education system of India we cannot just remain critical and not talk about the positives that have taken place in the education sector over the years. We have come a long way from where we were at the time of our independence. India at the time of Independence was being behind because of the suppressive policies of the British Isles. Many subsequent governments had invested although very little in the field of education. Under these investments, many institutes of national importance were formulated and these are still existent in the country providing high-quality education in various disciplines. 

Some Good Ventures

Another great contribution the Indian governments have made over the years is trying to make a level playing field in the field of education. This means that many people who were belonging to the marginalised sections of the society were given an opportunity to attain the same kind of education as those students were attending who had the financial capability of doing so. For this, many schemes and scholarships were launched that helped in providing financial aid to students from the weaker sections of the society so that they could attain education for themselves and become successful professionals. 

The MOMA scholarship is launched by the ministry of minority affairs. Students belonging to the minority communities of the Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and Parsis are given financial aid for completing their pre-matric education. 

The Ministry Of Human Resource Development has also launched schemes for providing scholarships to students for higher education.  The  VidyaSiri Scholarships have been launched by the department of backward classes under the government of  Karnataka, which provides financial aid for education to students from the other backward classes and Scheduled caste communities.

– Deepak Malik

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily reflect the views, thoughts, and opinions of EducationWorld.

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