
The new normal…or is everything new?

Bethsheba Sheth– Bethsheba Sheth, HOD – Counseling and Special Needs, Orchids The International School

The last 2 years have been nothing but a roller coaster of a ride. Not in our wildest dreams could anyone think, that the world will literally come to a standstill. The coronavirus pandemic took us by storm and left a lot of devastation in its wake.

While we learn novel and uncertain ways to deal with getting back on our feet, let’s not forget the damage and loss of simple childhood activities, that our kids were deprived of, in these years.

Slowly but surely as our children step out to begin life as we once knew it once, they will need our support and guidance a little more.

A few simple yet effective measures we may adopt as caregivers:

It’s not like the world took a pause and started from where we left off. During that pause, everything changed. We are social beings and every component was stripped away. It must get awkward for us adults too, as we resume our daily chores. It’s alright, we all are learning, I won’t be surprised if our children lead the way.

Also read:

Hybrid Education: Power of making education dynamic in era of new normal

Things you can do to support your children in the new normal

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