
They said it in April

œWelfare helps alleviate poverty. But growth can end it.
Michael Schuman, American author and journalist, on bridging the wealth gap (Time, May 19)
œOn 16th May 2014 the people of India gave their verdict. They delivered a mandate for development, good governance and stability. Together we will script a glorious future for India. Let us together dream of a strong, developed and inclusive India that actively engages with the global community to strengthen the cause of world peace and development.
Prime minister Narendra Modi, in his first message to the people of India posted on his official website (May 26)
œBeing MoS (minister of state) is like standing in a cemetery ” there™s a lot of people under you but no one is listening.
Shashi Tharoor, former MoS, on advice for new ministers (Times of India, May 28)
œIn the style of Bob Dylan, let™s ask the question for which the answers are œblowin™ in the wind… How many crores must Air India lose before a minister takes his head out of the sand?
T.N. Ninan, well-known journalist, in ˜A song for our times™ (Business Standard, May 31)
œDirecting a rocket science programme doesn™t necessarily involve expertise in rocket science. Indeed past experience suggests that the most academically qualified HRD ministers also turned out to be the least beneficial for Indian education.
Swapan Dasgupta, columnist, on criticism that the newly appointed Union HRD minister Smriti Irani doesn™t have a university degree (Deccan Chronicle, May 30)
œA belief in democracy requires two things: an acceptance of the upshot of an election, and a refusal to blame the electorate if the upshot fills one with dread.
Akeel Bilgrami, professor at Columbia University, on the recent India General Election 2014 (The Hindu, May 31)

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