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With exams comes stress. It is natural. The pressure of performance, uncertainty about future and unlimited expectations weigh heavy on students minds. However, stress does no good to improve your performance, it only harms it. So, it is important to beat the stress and appear for your exams in a relaxed and confident mode. Here are the top ten effective and tested tips recommended by experts that are more often than not quite useful in keeping the stress at bay. So, try these stress-busters and be ready to face your exams in the right spirit.

1. Dont compromise on sleep

So, you feel you have 24 hours a day to study. You may be wrong. Spare those 7-8 hours to get adequate sleep and be at your best for the rest of the 16 hours. Students who skip sleep tend to be slow throughout the day and have very low concentration levels. Stress also automatically increases with paucity of sleep.

2. Take small, regular breaks

Studying for stretched hours without taking any breaks may lower your retention power and make you more stressed. So, take short but regular breaks for fun after every two hours to remain fresh for longer and remain in good mood.

3. Make Realistic Targets

It is advisable to make realistic revision targets per day instead of trying to squeeze in a lot in one day. If you make unrealistic targets and are unable to achieve them, stress will definitely shoot through the roof and lower your learning power.

5. Eat properly

Do anything but dont skip your meals. Eating properly is as important as studying properly. However, avoid heavy meals that induce sleep and laziness. Avoid fried snacks and greasy delicacies, instead go for fresh fruit and vegetable. Also, drink lots of juice or water and dont overdo tea or coffee.

6. Move your limbs to scare the stress

Exercising and working out is a fantastic stress buster. If you feel too stressed at any point of time, just drop those books, wear your sports shoes and go running. Play any sport or just take a short walk. You will not just feel relaxed but more energized.

7. Take time out to unwind

Take out at least half an hour to watch your favorite TV programme or surf the Internet for fun or listen to your favorite music or just laze around. Getting bogged down with too much stress can ruin your positive energies so take that short break and dont feel guilty about it.

8. Remain positive

Some stress is natural while most is self-created because you might want to beat yourself up about things that are not going right. Curb this urge to self-flagellate, instead be nice to yourself and keep reminding yourself of things about yourself that you are proud of. This will keep you in a good mood and help you learn more.

9. Keep boredom away

If one subject is getting on to you nerves or starting to bore you, take cue from the early symptoms. Take a break from that subject and take up something else. When feeling better, go back to the initial subject with renewed energies.

10. Dont discuss syllabus

Last but not the least, dont invite stress by talking to your friends about how much of the syllabus you have covered and how much they have done. This may lead to unnecessary stress if your friend has done more. So, do avoid it and just focus on your studies.

Following these small but effective tips, you are sure to beat the stress and appear for your exams in a positive and energetic frame of mind. All the best!


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