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Transforming learning environments through ‘Student Learning Profiles’

EducationWorld July 2022 | Spotlight Feature
-Divya Lal, Founder and CEO, Fliplearn Education Pvt. Ltd.

The power of data is exponential. In recent times, data usage has become increasingly vital. As the role of technology becomes multifold, it generates huge amounts of information that can yield meaningful insights on any domain. This has resulted in a data industry boom over the past decade. Nonetheless, data collection should be accompanied with its analysis to yield meaningful insights and foster healthy decision-making.

The Covid-19 pandemic clearly accelerated the adoption of Edtech in education with data analytics paving the way for further automation within the industry. Data is a crucial resource for teachers as it gives them continuous feedback and helps them understand students’ progression along the learning curve enabling them to plan their sessions appropriately. Parents can also actively monitor their child’s daily progress with the help of real-time dashboards now offered by Edtech firms.

Data undoubtedly is the elixir for any educational institution and its power is beyond measure.

Through its latest feature — the ‘Student Learning Profile’ — India’s leading Edtech platform Fliplearn plans to unleash the power of data and analytics to provide meaningful insights into children’s daily learning. This detailed profile created for all students is like an ever-ready report card for Schools, Teachers, Students and Parents to track and analyse children’s performance in class, subject, and individual chapters. Educators can be privy to a child’s learning strengths and weaknesses at any point in time simply with a click of a button. This unique feature is a great enabler for educators to plough through the progress feedback almost instantly on an everyday basis without adding to their workload while allowing them to take corrective action accordingly. On the other hand, parents too can keep a close watch on their children’s academic progress without having to wait for formal assessments.

The revolutionary feature also throws light on various aspects of a child’s overall learning vis-a-vis the class, peers and his/her performance in assigned tasks like homework, assessments, project work and shared study resources by means of detailed analytics and statistical representations.

Valuable insights gained from a student’s learning journey including her academic strengths/ weaknesses can help in making informed career choices. The entirety of the journey also spells out a comprehensive view of the overall standing and learning outcomes of a child throughout her school life.

For school heads, it’s a game-changer too. Until now, report cards were the only measure for school managements to gauge the performance levels of the whole school, individual classes, or students. But through the power of ‘Student Learning Profiles’ the entire picture of the overall progress made by any subset comes true and transparent in just the click of a button. This is a great enabler for managements to understand the grey areas and improvise on the teachinglearning pedagogies accordingly.

The learning insights foster a more collaborative, connected ecosystem for educators, students, and parents alike. In an ideal learning environment, a learner’s data can be used to determine the optimal way to improve performance and the overall learning experience through a personalised learning approach.

Data analytics usage has prepared the ground for transforming learning environments in terms of impact and outcome. The more data we gather on our learners, the more insights we will get to improve educational experiences.

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