Students of Bangalore based Trio World School recently launched an initiative to help improve the lives of more than 200 students of Government Higher Primary School in Kodigehalli, Bangalore to keep the spirit of philanthropy alive and lighten up the lives of the unprivileged on the occasion of Daan Utsav. The initiative aimed at promoting quality education and a favorable learning environment at the school.
In a bid to bring smiles to the students’ faces and contribute to their overall welfare, the students and management at Trio World School undertook several activities such as distributing sports track suits to all students, construction of washing sinks, distributing stainless steel plates and glasses, installation of automated electronic timer bell, arranging carpets in primary classes of the school, donating computers and various other materials to the Kodigehalli school. The teachers of Trio World School also volunteered to teach computer science to the students twice a week.
Speaking on the occasion, Naveen K M, managing director, TRIO World School said, “At TRIO, we always strive to inculcate and impart the importance of community services from the root level. Despite the fact that our students are young, their talents and innovative ideas never fail to impress us. Promoting “giving” has always been and will remain a significant aspect of the TRIO community. It’s really inspiring to see students stand up and celebrate as a community with many acts of giving. We would like to thank everyone who has extended their support to this initiative of ours. We at Trio also believe that education is one of the most important gift for any child. Access to quality education will not only help in transforming their lives but will also help in improving the lives of their family members and the people near them.”
Promoted in 2007, TRIO is a well reputed day cum boarding school in Bangalore offering IB, CAIE and CISCE curriculum.