Jobs in Education System
University of Mumbai




Arts, Commerce, Literature, Management, Mass Communication, MBA, Science, SocialWork





College Type

Postgraduate, Undergraduate


The University of Mumbai is one of the oldest and premier Universities of India. The university has 56 Departments, 12 specialized centres, 781 affiliated colleges, 2 main campuses, 2 sub campuses, 2 model Ccolleges, and the ‘School of Engineering and Applied Sciences’ at Kalyan as the University’s own Engineering College. It has perhaps the largest geographical area under its jurisdiction from Thane district to Sindhudurg district, a spread of more than 600 km.


Spread across 243 acres, the university’s main campus at Vidyanagari houses the departments of science, technology, commerce and humanities. The campus comprises the Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Bhavan that houses the office of the Controller of Examinations; a research facility called the National Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology; department of biophysics, the only department of its kind in western India; Jawaharlal Nehru Library; Garware Institute of Career Education and Development that offers courses including one in medical transcription and management courses such as agriculture business management, pharma management and tourism management.

The campus also hosts the Alkesh Dinesh Mody Numismatic Museum, Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies (ADMI), Department of Extra Mural Studies, The Institute of Distance & Open Learning (IDOL), Western Regional Instrumentation Centre (WRIC), Centre for African Studies, Centre for Eurasian Studies, Marathi Bhasha Bhavan Centre for learning the Marathi language and a rose garden where more than a hundred varieties of rose have been cultivated.


Faculty of Arts

BA: Film, Television and New Media Production

Five Years Integrated Programme (BA and MA)

Russian; German



BMM (Bachelor’s of Mass Media)

BHM (Bachelor In Heritage Management)


B.Ed: General; Hearing Impairment; Autism Spectrum Disorders; Learning Disability; Special Education (Mentally Retarded)

MA: Numismatics and Archaeology; Education; Entertainment, Media and Advertising; Film, Television and New Media Production; Sociology; Politics; Public Policy; Communication and Journalism; Public Relations; Electronic Media; Film Studies; German Studies /German Studies (Translation);

MEd: General; Hearing Impairment;





Certificate Course: Teaching Technologies in Higher Education; G-Tech 360 Degrees; Therapeutic skills for the Helping Professions; Social Work for Senior Citizens; Social Perspectives in Disaster Management; Advanced Social Research Methodology; Customer Relations Management Expert; G-Tech Network Specialist; Environment Management and Disaster Mitigation; Disaster Counseling; Pali Language and Literature; Tennis Administration; Sound and Film Editing; Voice Dubbing and Modulation; Peace Education; Mass Media in Hindi; Philosophy of Communal Harmony and Social Peace; Indian Aesthetics; Puppetry; Ancient Indian Culture; International Trade (Africa); Functional Proficiency in English; Professional proficiency in English; Bhakti Literature; Russian; German; Marathi; French; Persian; Arabic; Italian; Sanskrit; Marathi; Spanish; Kannada; Functional Hindi; Urdu; Sindhi; Philosophy of Vallabh Vedanta (S’uddhadvaita) and Vaisnavism; Voice Culture and Verbal Communication; Yoga; Parliamentary Procedure; Glimpses of World Religions; Indian Culture; American Accent and Culture Training; Buddhism; Indian Philosophy; Indian Religions; Islamic Studies; Jainism; Manuscriptology; Gardening and Nursery Management; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Peace Education; Medical Attendant; Radio Jockeying; Documentary Film Making; Rudra Veena; WINGS Certificate Course; Business English Skills

Diploma Course: Management of Education; Early Child hood care and Education (Dip E.C.C.Ed.); Yogic Education; Aviation Safety and Hospitality; Tennis Training and Administration for Coaches; Mass Media in Hindi; Epigraphy; Indian Numismatics; Translation (French); Religion and Society, Peace and Dialogue; Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Thoughts; Indian Aesthetics; Vallabh Vedanta; Comparative Mythology; Geography; Buddhist Studies; Social Work; Sound Engineering (Audio Production, Sound Recording and Editing); Arabic; Urdu; Prakrit; Italian; Sindhi; Japanese; Pali; Sanskrit; Marathi; Russian; French; German; Persian; Urdu Computer Applications and Multilingual; Security Management; Transport and Logistics Management; Personality Development through Yoga; Consumer Consultancy; Manuscriptology; Buddhist Studies and Vipassana; Foundation of Yoga; Islamic Studies; Jainology; Agricultural and Horticulture Management; Communication and Event Management; Tours, Travel & Tourism Management; Event Management; Tour Management

PG Diploma: Counseling; Continuing Education and Management; Management of Education; Special Education (Multiple/Disability Physical and Neurological); Linguistics; Travel and Tourism Management; Human Rights; Buddhist Studies (part-time); Study of Religions; Journalism through Urdu medium; Urdu, Theatre, Script Writing and Translation, Adaptation/Translation; Philosophy of Communal Harmony and Social Peace; German and European Inter-Cultural Studies; Slums Studies and Development (DCSSD); Travel and Tourism Management; Radio and Television Lekhan; Film Lekhan; Therapeutic Counselling; Rural Management; Museology and Conservation; Comparative Mythology; Media and Disability Communication; Women’s Studies; Public Policy; International Studies; Environment and Development; Mysticism; Child Rights and Child Protection

PG Certificate Course : Research Methodology in Education

Intensive Certificate Course : Italian; French; German

1 year Part-time Diploma:Conversational Japanese; Business Japanese

Advanced Diploma: Counseling Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Industrial and Organizational Psychology; German; Commercial and Technical Translation and Tourism (German); Italian; Sanskrit; Translation (French); Philosophy of Vallabha Vedanta (Shuddhavaita) and Vaisnavism; Pali; Japanese; Yoga; Arabic; Russian; French; Urdu; German; Manuscriptology; Sindhi

Faculty of Commerce


General; Accounting & Finance; Banking & Insurance; Financial Markets

BMS Bachelor of Management Studies


General; E. Commerce

MMS Master of Management Studies

MMM Master in Marketing Management

MFM Master of Financial Management

MHRDM Master of Human Resources Development Management

MIM Master in Information Management

MFSM Master of Financial Services Management

Certificate Course:Personnel Assessment and Management Technique for Business and Industry; Crucial Issues in Disaster Management; Environment Management and Disaster Mitigation; Accountancy; Accounts of Trusts and Co-operative Society; Indirect Taxes(Central Excise & Service Tax); Basic Accounting; Direct Taxes (Income Tax); Computerized Accounting and Tally Package;

General Information

Student Mix
Men and Women
Campus Size
243 acres
Internet Wi-Fi
Basketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Tennis


Please visit faculties’ pages on the college website for admission information on various courses


Please contact the university office for information on fees.




The seven UoM hostels are located at the following addresses:

International Students Hostel and Jugonnath Sunkersett Hall Hostel at Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Boys Hostel; Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve Girls Hostel; Pandit Ramabai Girls Hostel and Savitribai Phule Girls Hostel at Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098. WRC /ICSSR Hostel, cum guest house at Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.


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Address : MG Road, Fort

Email : [email protected]

Contact : 2222708700

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