During the Uttar Pradesh board examinations, as many as 359 students were caught cheating in high school and intermediate exams while over 4 lakh students have left their board examinations. A statement from the Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh said, “,49,093 students have left high school and intermediate exams. 359 students were caught cheating in the exams.”
Earlier FIRs were registered against 133 people and schools were being identified by the Department of Secondary Education where the sanctity of the examination is being affected, said Principal Secretary, Secondary Education, Aradhana Shukla. In this regard, the action is being taken against 29 schools to withdraw their recognition for not conducting examinations peacefully.
Earlier, almost 50 students were expelled for cheating at the Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) Class 10 Board Exam 2020 on the very first day and a total of 432 students appearing for class 12 exams were also found cheating. According to the board officials, the maximum incidents of copying for the class 10 board exam were reported from Nalanda, where 12 candidates were found cheating. Apart from that, a total of six candidates were expelled in Rohtas, Madhubani, three in Bhojpur, Saran, Madhupura, and other districts.
Over 15,29,393 students appeared in the class 10 board examination conducted in two phases with 7,74,415 students registered for the first phase, and 7,54,978 for the second phase.
Also read: West Bengal: Students caught filming Maths question paper during Madhyamik exam
Source: ANI
Posted in News, States