In Gonda district, Uttar Pradesh, a government school headmaster found himself at the center of controversy as he faced suspension for allegedly violating the Model Code of Conduct. Arun Kumar Verma, stationed in Bakhrauli village, was accused of actively supporting a candidate from the Samajwadi Party ahead of the Lok Sabha election. District Magistrate Neha Sharma confirmed that Verma’s involvement in SP events and campaign activities came to light following a complaint filed by the district president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Prompted by the complaint, District Magistrate Sharma swiftly took action, directing Divisional Education Officer Gitanjali Tiwari to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter. The investigation aimed to ascertain whether Verma’s actions contravened established guidelines, including the Employee Conduct Rules, the Model Code of Conduct, and the Representation of the People Act, 1951.
Upon preliminary inquiry, Verma was found to be prima facie guilty of breaching the aforementioned regulations. Consequently, the district administration made the decision to suspend Verma from his position as headmaster. He was reassigned to Upper Primary School, Ghanshyampur, pending further disciplinary action.
District Magistrate Sharma emphasized the importance of upholding the integrity of the electoral process, reaffirming the district administration’s commitment to conducting free, fair, and transparent elections. She underscored that strict measures would be taken against any individuals found to be in violation of election regulations, irrespective of their position or political affiliation.
Verma’s suspension serves as a stark reminder of the significance of maintaining impartiality and neutrality during the electoral process. As Gonda prepares for voting in the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha election on May 20, Verma’s case highlights the urgency of ensuring adherence to electoral integrity and accountability among public officials.
Also read: EC clarifies on use of educational institutions’ premises for campaigning