
VKGI launches skill hub and nodal training centre For vocational education

Vijaykiran Group of Institution Learning Centre (VKGI-LC), an integrated service unit that supports teachers, teacher educators, educational administrators, pedagogical leaders and academic units in their teaching and learning responsibilities launched a skill hub and nodal training centre for vocational education at the National Centre for Excellence on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.
The inauguration and lamp lighting was done by Dr. N Vijaya Kumar, CMD, VKGI, Kiran Vijaya Kumar, Director, VKGI , Sunalini Benjamin COO, VKGI, Susan Barrid, Principal of NCFE, Ian Correa, CEO, Hope Foundation and Anitha Rao, Founder Director, Sakriya Charitable Trust. Teaching staff and parents accompanied by their children were present at the launch. Presentations made at the launch covered all the main aspects of skill development, the need, the audience and sustainable methodologies for the future of the country.
The aim of setting up the skill hubs and nodal skill centres is to provide skill development and vocational training opportunities for classes 6-8 with introduction to world-of-work through orientation, industry visits, bag-less days etc. Students of classes 9 to 12 will be exposed to skill development avenues. The skill hub will provide school dropouts and out-of-education academic credit, back to mainstream education and or apprenticeship and employment linkages. After successful completion of the courses participants will be awarded with a certificate jointly by CBSE and National Skill Development Corporation, Government of India.
As a first step, the Skill Hub with the support of Dr. N Vijaya Kumar, CMD, VKGI declared that the first batch of training and placements of participants will be sponsored by the Skill Hub. This will cover 20 students to whom donation letters were presented for the complete fees applicable.
As a one of a kind unique experience, job oriented or vocational skills related kits were presented to the beneficiaries. A top of the line sewing machine and state of the art Bee Shelter to house 5000 Indian bees were presented at the occasion.

The occasion was concluded with a warm vote of thanks by Basavaraj, HOD leaving the audience, speakers, teachers, parents and children with a great level of satisfaction and enthusiasm to continuously patronize the Skill Hub and its initiatives.

Also read: Vijaykiran Group to host a webinar on critical thinking in the classroom

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