
Parents need to give up these bad habits

Let’s admit it. No matter how old we are, we all have some bad habits giving up which could benefit ourselves and our families immensely. Especially because as parents, we are the first role models for our children. Kids observe and mimic most of their parents’ actions and pick behaviours from them. So it is important for parents to inculcate good values in their children and ensure a healthy upbringing by setting an example themselves. Here are ten habits caring parents should consider giving up.

Fighting with your spouse

Good mental health is essential for a child’s well-being. Every child deserves to grow in a happy, positive and a healthy home and school environment. The domestic disputes between the parents usually disrupt peace at homes, and can affect children deeply, making him or her feel vulnerable and insecure. It can also cause emotional distress and may trigger several psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.


Parents often scream at their children to get them to finish their tasks and chores quickly or to curb bad habits. According to child psychologists, it is more harmful than helpful. Children being sensitive will not respond well to shouting and screaming. Rather, they may show aggression towards the parents if screaming becomes persistent. Also, during the teenage years, children may tend to turn a deaf ear to the parents or not take them too seriously. The best way to communicate an idea to children is to speak to them calmly and sell the idea.

Comparing siblings

This has been happening since time immemorial. Most parents cite examples of a well-behaved child to their other children. This is not helpful because every child has his/her own strengths and weaknesses. Comparing children is a harsh thing to do and this can develop inferiority/superiority complex among the kids.


When parents indulge in the habit of gossiping during parties and get-togethers, it leaves the kids with an impression that it is cool to spread rumours or speak in a negative way about others behind their backs. Children tend do the same with their friends and it will lead them to becoming more interested in other people’s lives than their own. They may also become too critical and judgemental.

Body shaming

If the child is overweight or underweight, or if his/her physical features are not perfect, parents should not comment or shame them for it. Parents should understand that children get offended by these remarks. Further they will lose their confidence. Parents should not point out the physical shortcomings in their kids but rather praise them for their positive qualities.

Over pressurising kids to excel

Parents need to stop exerting stress on the kids to compete in all competitions and also to bag prizes in them. If this becomes a routine, children will land themselves in depression.  Parents have to encourage their kids to participate in the events and not to necessarily win them. Children should be taught to learn from their failures and carry a sportive spirit. Also, every child learns at his/her own pace and if over pressurised, the child may be inhibited from trying his best.

Using mobile phones during meal times

Meal times are often the only times that we get to spend some quality time with one another. So parents should refrain from using digital devices and rather engage themselves in good conversation with the kids during meal times. This will also strengthen and enhance the family bond.

Unhealthy eating

As role models for their children, parents should avoid too much snacking. Parents should make children understand the importance of healthy eating right from their early years. They should also encourage physical fitness activities to build a healthy lifestyle. Children get easily inspired by parents who follow strict health regimes.


Oncologists believe children at home are the most affected due to second-hand smoke which is one of the leading causes of various kinds of cancers. Also, parents need to keep in mind that children have a developing body and smoking can make the lungs weaker and more susceptible to illnesses such as the life-threatening cardiopulmonary diseases like the asthma and bronchitis.


As the role models for their children, it becomes imperative for parents to avoid consuming alcohol in front of their children. When parents consume too much alcohol, it can lead to inebriation triggering bad behaviour or verbal abuse. This can have a negative impact on the kid’s psychology and may even affect them deeply. According to the research, children often tend to imitate their parents and may veer towards alcoholism when they grow up.

Also Read: How parents can bring up gentle boys in a violent world

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