Jobs in Education System

Its common advice which most students who are emplaning to study abroad get – dont rely on campus jobs for paying your tuition fees. Though almost all countries – US, Britain, Canada and Australia – allow students to work part-time during their study period and full-time during vacations on-campus or off-campus jobs are few and far between. And usually Indian students end up not with cushy desk jobs with lower-rung employment in college, cafeterias or assisting in laboratories.
Britain: Foreign students are permitted to work for 10 hours per week during term and full-time during vacations. The average wage per hour is £5.37 (Rs.473)

United States: Students are allowed to on campus for 20 hours per week during term and full-time during vacations. The average wage per hour is $7.25 (Rs. 404)

Australia: Students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during term and full-time during vacations. The minimum wage per hour is A$15.96 (Rs. 919)

Germany: Foreign students are allowed to work part-time for a maximum of 20 hours per week. The minimum wage per hour is €8-9.5 (Rs. 559-663).

Canada: Students are allowed to work only on campus. The average wage per hour is $10.25 (Rs. 577). However after completing their study programme, overseas students are allowed to stay on for another two years to acquire gainful work experience

Ireland: Overseas students are entitled to take up casual employment (defined as up to 20 hours part-time work per week or full0time work during vacation periods) for the duration of their study period in the republic.

New Zealand: International students are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week during term and full-time during vacations. They can expect to earn about $10-12 (Rs. 446-535) per hour.

France: Overseas students can work for 14 hours per week during the academic session and full-time during vacations. The average wage per hour is $7.25 (Rs. 404)

Russia: The Russian government doesnt permit undergraduate or postgraduate students to work part-time.

Singapore: All foreign students are allowed to work part-time during vacations without having to apply for a temporary work permit. However, you must obtain permission from your university to work part-time for up to a maximum of 16 hours per week during term.

Japan: Students are allowed to work part-time – two to four hours per day.

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