
World Mental Health Day: Suicide prevention in youth

World Mental Health Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated 10th October as World Mental Health Day and has chosen suicide prevention as it’s theme this year. Suicide involves voluntarily taking one’s life. While it is a one-time act, it is an extremely complex phenomenon that involves a combination of psychological and social factors.

Our country is home to the highest number of youth in the world. Adolescence and early adulthood are a time of opportunity but also come with their set of challenges.  There are phases of life where multiple changes occur physically, cognitively, emotionally and interpersonally. Adjusting to these changes can be hard and can therefore leave youngsters vulnerable to poor mental health and consequentially suicide.

Common factors that contribute to suicide in youth:

Recommended: World Suicide Prevention Day 2019: Listening is the best therapy

Warning signs:

Recommended: Focus on children’s emotional and mental well-being”

Ways to combat

There are a few steps that all of us can take to prevent suicides among our youngsters:

(This article is authored by Dr. Anupama V., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Bengaluru.)

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