
World Information Society Day: Lesser known facts

Every year on May 17, we celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day which marks the anniversary of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) which was incepted on May 17, 1865.

Not only does this day raise awareness about the use of Internet and Information and Communications Technologies or ICT but it also aims at making information and communication easily accessible to people living in remote areas of the world.

Steve Jobs rightly said, “Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.” Invention leads to modernisation which in turn takes place through communication. Modernisation via the use of various gadgets like telephones, radios, and computers has not only brought people closer to one another but this information that travels around the globe, is very much crucial for progress in any field.

On this occasion, let’s look at some interesting facts about World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

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