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World University of Design gets ‘platinum’ ranking in QS I-GUAGE

June 15, 2023

World University of Design was awarded the top ‘platinum’ rating by QS I-GAUGE, a comprehensive and independent rating system for India’s universities and colleges.

This Platinum Rating was bestowed upon World University of Design  based on their impressive score on eleven parameters covering students, alumni, faculty, design thinking ecosystem, resources, initiatives among others.

This award places WUD in absolutely the top orbit as they became not only the first but also the only university in the country to reach this landmark. The award certificate will be presented at a national facilitation ceremony soon.

QS I-GAUGE swipes a holistic spectrum across all essential skills such as teaching and learning, employability and social responsibility to research and innovation which are required to come together to build an extraordinary education system within institutes. Based on seven primary indicators and five secondary indicators, the system assesses its rating ranging between Bronze to Platinum.

The primary goal of educational institutions is to impart knowledge to society and prepare individuals for future readiness. QS I-GAUGE has framed its subject ratings methodology for Indian institutions keeping a long-term objective in mind, where institutions are evaluated based on how specific subjects are taught to fulfil the current market trend and allow for future adaptation.

The core objective of subject rating audits is to provide students with comprehensive information on subject choices in higher education. In addition to this, the data evaluation exercise promotes the subject-level performance of the institution that has undergone a rigorous review.

World University of Design’s Vice Chancellor, Dr Sanjay Gupta said, “This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our faculty and students. We are grateful for their passion and support. This achievement motivates us to strive for even greater success and showcase our unique approach to learning on global platforms. Our focus will be on preparing our students to become global leaders in the field of design, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and adaptability required to excel in a rapidly evolving world.”

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